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Why Age Diversity Is a Strength at Work
Research suggests many benefits from age diversity in the workplace. Among them are better performance results, reduction in age and other biases, and two-way mentoring that can expand learning all around. Tips include purposefully forming diverse groups and teams of people of all ages, life stages, and generations in order to reap the benefits. And there is this: Be a perennial! Perennial is a ne... posted on Jun 18 2024, 1,990 reads


I Double Dare You
In a world brimming with jarring headlines and amplified messages of the ever-widening rifts across worldviews, a striking poem by Pavi Mehta unveils a tapestry of ways in which we are inextricably connected. "The edges of things are always deceptive / because we are taught to believe / in endings and beginnings," she begins, observing how "people like to put thingsin their places." Yet, the visce... posted on Jun 17 2024, 2,432 reads


How Luddite Teens of New York Changed My View of Social Media
The article shares a student author’s journey of reevaluating their social media use after encountering the Luddite Club, a group of New York teens who reject digital norms in favor of more fulfilling, offline activities. Inspired by their commitment, the author deleted Instagram and TikTok, experiencing improved attention span and appreciation for creative and meaningful pursuits. This expe... posted on Jun 15 2024, 2,461 reads


How the Pandemic Led One Photographer to Greater Collaboration
Photographer Ashima Yadava turned to photography during the pandemic to reconnect with friends. Due to required distancing, she asked them if she could photograph them in their front yards from across the street. Unsatisfied with her single one-sided perspective, Ashima provided them with black and white photos she had taken, and asked “how do they want to be seen and what do ... posted on Jun 14 2024, 1,101 reads


Five Keys to Managing Intrusive Thoughts
"Persistent thoughts can be signals to ourselves about underlying life issues that need resolution," writes Dr. Jill Suttie. "But by drawing upon mindfulness, a self-distanced perspective, physical exercise, redirection, and social support, you can perhaps find a path forward." Dr. Suttie presents these five practices as collaborators for our internal world of thoughts, which sometimes feel like t... posted on Jun 13 2024, 2,880 reads


Popular Sneaker Shop Returns -- With A Twist
A sneakers store will soon reopen in California; however, it will not sell new sneakers. Through gatherings, mentoring, internships, and workshops, locals will learn shoe cleaning and repair, and how to make their old shoes “spicier.” But the space, known as SoleSpace Lab, is about a lot more than shoes. Participants will also learn about the many harmful materials that go into sneaker... posted on Jun 11 2024, 1,332 reads


Beethoven: Art Has No Limits
Summer of 1812. A young artist named Emilie sends a letter to her favorite composer. And he responds. His response outlines his relationship to art, divine inspiration, and joy. Gavin Aung Than, illustrator and creator of Zen Pencils captures that response in his 15-panel comic "Ludwig Van Beethoven: Art has no Limits." Than highlights the most poignant lines from Beethoven's letter back to Emilie... posted on Jun 09 2024, 2,797 reads


If You Haven’t Found Your Purpose, How to Feel Good Anyway
Finding your life purpose can often feel like an elusive quest, but it doesn't have to define your happiness. Adriana Paez argues that the true essence of living with purpose isn't about discovering a singular calling. Instead, it’s about aligning daily actions with your values and desires. Paez shares her journey of feeling lost and misaligned despite a successful career and tireless search... posted on Jun 08 2024, 1,858 reads


The Good News You Might Have Missed
We get to choose whether to despair or hope. And it is increasingly difficult to choose hope in a world with headlines about famine, war, intolerance, and disaster. That choice, however, can be made more equitable, when we also choose to widen our field of vision to include less attention-grabbing, click-oriented headlines. Angus Harvey delivers a striking reminder in his 9-minute TED2024 talk tha... posted on Jun 07 2024, 4,683 reads


Standing in Authentic Power
Stacey Lawson relates how real power is within, and takes inner work and outer action, and how sometimes it’s hard to understand why following inner guidance leads us on a path that doesn’t end where we might have wished. She explains how during meditation she repeatedly received a powerful call to run for political office, and while it was the last thing she wanted to do, and after st... posted on Jun 05 2024, 2,674 reads


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Quote Bulletin

How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives,
Annie Dillard

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